It never ceases to amaze me what people will wear to court. If my client has to come to court, I always tell them to dress as if they were going to church. I learned a number of years ago to say that rather than “to dress up” for court. When she asked me what she should wear, I told my client to “dress up.” Well, she came dressed up as if she were going out to a club on Saturday night. A strip club. Extremely tight fitting sequined short dress, heavy make-up, stiletto heels, you get the picture. Needless to say, she was the talk of the court–not the image we wished to portray. While the case worked out well for my client, it taught me a lesson. Same thing happened around the same time with a male client who was coming up on a marijuana charge. “Dress up,” I said. He came in his best t-shirt, which was covered in glossy marijuana buds. We resolved his case successfully after I had him turn his shirt inside out.
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